Condominium Lookup

Individual, privately-held units that share a building or lot in common ownership.

Property IDAddressOwner NameOwner Address
29 3703-27-*-1 2000 AGORA CIR SE 101 Pegues Sabrina 2000 SE Agora CIR 101
Palm Bay, FL 32909
29 3703-27-*-2 2000 AGORA CIR SE 102 SORY, FORREST 3325 Rivercrest DR Apt 317
Melbourne, FL 32935
29 3703-27-*-4 2000 AGORA CIR SE 202 KNIGHT, WALTER JR 2000 AGORA CIR SE #202
PALM BAY, FL 32909
29 3703-27-*-3 UNKNOWN SORY, FORREST T 3325 Rivercrest DR Apt 317
Melbourne, FL 32935

Disclaimer: While attempts to identify all related condominium properties, this list may not reflect the entirety of a development.